







 [单选题]Mary took a part-time job last summer,but her parents were unhappy about()she did.






  [单选题]___cave that George has discovered in his lifetime is near the Alps.

  AThe hundredth

  BThe hundred


  DA hundred


  [单选题]There was an()of discontent on her face.






  [单选题]We are all __ at his __ success.

  Asurprised ; surprised

  Bsurprising; surprised

  Csurprised ; surprising

  Dsurprised ; surprise




  peaceful solutions to other religious, ethnic and national conflicts around the world.








  There was a river with a small town on either side of it. The towns were linked by a bridge.

  One day, a hole appeared in the bridge. Both towns agreed that the hole should be mended .However, disagreement came up as to who should mend it. Each town thought that it had a better reason for the other to mend the hole. The town on the right bank said that it was at the end of the road, so the left-bank town should mend the hole. The town on the left bank, on the other hand, insisted that all the traffic came to the right-bank town, so it was in their interest to mend the bridge.

  The quarrel went on and on, and so did the hole. The more it went on, the more the hostility between the two towns grew.

  One day a man fell into the hole and broke his leg. People from both towns questioned him closely about whether he was walking from the right bank to the left or from the left bank to the right, in order to decide which town should be blamed for the accident. But he could not remember, since he got drunk that night. Some time later., a car was crossing the bridge and broke an axle(轴) because of the hole. Neither town paid any attention to the accident, as the traveler was not going from one to the other, but was merely passing through. The angry traveler got out of the car and asked why the hole was not mended.

  On hearing the reason, he declared, "I´ 11 buy this hole. Who´ s the owner?"

  Both towns at once declared that they owned the hole.

  "One or the other, whoever owns the hole must prove it. "

  "How shall we prove it?" asked both sides.

  "That´ s simple. Only the owner of the hole has the right to mend it. I´ 11 buy the hole from whoever mends the bridge. "

  People from both towns rushed to do the job while the traveler smoked a cigar and his driver changed the axle. They mended the bridge in no time and asked for the money for the hole.

  "What hole?" The traveler looked surprised. "I can´ t see any hole. I´ ve been looking for a hole for several years now. I´ m prepared to pay a good price for it, but there´s no hole here. Are you pulling my leg or what?"

  He got into his car and drove off.

  What did the two towns quarrel about?

  AWhich of them should mend the hole.

  BWhether the hole should be mended.

  CWhy there was a hole in the bridge.

  DWhen they should mend the hole.



  Choosing a college requires that you ask yourself many questions. Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? Where do you want to go in life? How do you get there? Perhaps thebest way to find those answers is to look at our college on Long Island. Think about it .Private colleges on Long Island charge an average of $25, 000 a year onoverall costs, an average total of $100, 000 over four years, our college ’s cost is just over $000, or about $53, 000 over four years. That means, because of the investment of the State of NewYork in our public college, you pay nearly half what students at those private colleges pay. Thatthe money you can use later for graduate school, travel, or whatever you choose.

  LOCATION: With a wooded 604-acre cam pus centrally located on Long Island, the nation ’s16 th largest population center. Our college offers the best of both worlds, a quiet atmospherededicated to learning yet just 20 miles from the heart of New York City.

  STUDENTS: 3, 200 students from across the United States and more than 20 foreigncountries, among the most culturally diverse students population in the Northeast.

  FACULTY: 120 full-time, of whom 80% hold a terminal degree in their field.

  A 17: 1students-to-faculty ratio.

  CURRICULUN (课程): Comprehensive, with 45 undergraduate majors and 16 minors inboth liberal arts and professional field. One graduate program currently available.

  DEGREES: Undergraduate : Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of ProfessionalStudies. Graduate: M.S. in Accounting.

  STUDENT LIFE: Active and diverse with more than 50 students organizations, including astudent -run newspaper and television station, academic organizations and community servicegroups.

  FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: 60% of students receive either need-based aid or merit-basedscholarships.

  ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Applications considered on a rolling basis. About 55% offreshman applicants are accepted. Transfer students earning more than 24 credit hours of collegework will be evaluated based on that work.than 24 credit hours of college work will be evaluated based on that work.

  Why is this college less expensive than private colleges on Long Island ?

  AIt offers both undergraduate and graduate programs

  BStudents get more aid and scholarships

  CNew York State invests money in it

  Dit has a small number of students


  [单选题]The earliest immigrants to North America found Indians already living there.The Indians numbered about 500,000 at that time.Their society was a primitive society, but they lived peacefully and welcomed the white strangers to the land.However, these early immigrants from Europe didn't want to share the land with the natives.They killed off many of the Indians, seized their land or pushed them off to lands farther away.Today the Indians, not more than half a million, live in poverty and misery on the land on which they were once masters.

  The earliest immigrants were the Spanish, who settled in the southern part of what is now the US.The next large group were the English, after the English came the French, Dutch, Irish, Germans, and other nationality groups, mostly European.

  Another early group to arrive were the Negroes.But they were brought in as slaves from Africa.They didn't win freedom till generations later.

  Why didn't the immigrants share the lands with the natives?

  AThey thought the Indians were not friendly to the

  BThey wanted to seize the lands as their ow

  CBecause North America was first discovered by the

  DBecause the Indian people liked making war to the


  [单选题]Alice: Hi, Sam! It’s nice to see you here.

  Sam: Hi, Alice!

  Alice: ___56___

  Sam: To my dorm.

  Alice: Great! Could you take this book to Peter?

  Sam: ___57___Does Peter know what it is for?

  Alice: Yes.___58___

  Sam: ___59___Are you well prepared for it?

  Alice: ___60___See you tomorrow!

  Sam: See you!


  AHow about your presentation?

  BHe needs it for tomorrow’s presentation.

  CI think so.

  DWhere are you heading?

  EYou are welcome.

  FNo problem!

  GWhat can I do for you?

  HNo, thanks!


本文标签:上海成考 英语 2022年上海成考专升本《英语》预习试题及答案九






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